130 MIDI Tool Box
130 MIDI Tool Box.iso
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215 lines
││ Watch: Programming ││
Function key usage Mouse
F1 - Display this help information. [Help]
F3 - Exit program. [Exit]
F4 - Reset channel and message filtering. [Channels]
F5 - Reset send keys definitions. [Keys]
F6 - Return to MIDI monitor screen. [Monitor]
F7 - Toggle MIDI thru on/off. [Thru]
F8 - Toggle real-time messages on/off. [RealTime]
F9 - Decrease value of selected cell. [Decrease]
F10 - Increase value of selected cell. [Increase]
Alt-F2 - Same as F7.
Alt-F3 - Push to DOS. [Push]
Alt-F4 - Send all-notes-off message (on all channels). [Quiet]
Home - Go to top of screen.
Alt-R - Set other cells in row the same as current cell.
Alt-1,...Alt-9, Alt-0 -
Send MIDI data defined for corresponding key.
│ Editing │
Use the arrow keys to move the large block cursor around the screen to
select the available data fields or "cells". On a color monitor, the data
in cells which can be changed will appear yellow. Note the input area near
the bottom of the screen, indicated by ">" and the small blinking cursor.
To enter or change a selected cell, type into the input area and press
return. The value entered will then appear in the cell (if the input was
valid). A description of the valid input for the current cell will always
appear on the line above the input area.
Use the following keys for editing:
Return - Retrieves the current contents of a cell and places it in the
input area for modification (if the input area is empty).
Insert - Toggles between character insert and overwrite modes.
Delete - Deletes the character at the cursor.
BackSpace - Deletes the character before the cursor.
End - Moves to the end of the character string.
Home - Moves to the beginning of the character string.
Escape - Erases the input area.
│ Operation │
This screen allows incoming MIDI messages to be selectively filtered out or
modified. [Note that Thru:On must be specified if the modified data is to
be resent.] Each of the 16 available MIDI channels is listed across the
top. The matrix below permits modification or filtering by channel for
specific classes of messages listed on the left:
- Enable: All messages for the channel may be enabled (on) or disabled
(off). If enabled, the following items may be used to filter specific
- Map: Messages received for the channel indicated at the top of the column
will be redirected to the channel specified. Default is the same channel.
- Transpose: Note messages received on the channel (before mapping) will be
transposed by the specified number of half steps (+ or -). Resulting
notes below C-2 or above G8 are discarded.
- Velocity: This value has two distinct uses. Note velocities on the
channel will be scaled by the given percentage if the value is greater
than zero. 100% is the original velocity and indicates no modification.
Notes may be scaled up to maximum velocity. If the value is negative, its
absolute value is taken as a velocity threshold below which note messages
are filtered out. Both forms assume decimal values. Ex: A value of 200
can double the velocity, and 50 will halve it. A value of -64 will filter
out notes having a velocity less than 64.
- Low note: The lowest note in the range C-2 to G8 which will be received
(prior to transposing). C3 = middle C = MIDI note 60.
- High note: The highest note which will be received.
The following enable or disable specific message classes on the channel.
- Note Msgs: All note messages.
- Aftertouch: All aftertouch messages - poly or mono (channel pressure).
- Ctrl change: All control change messages.
- Prog change: All program change messages.
- Pitch wheel: All pitch bend messages.
│ System Messages │
The following system messages can be selectively filtered:
Exc: System exclusive
Qrt: Quarter Frame ───┐
Pos: Song position │ System
Sel: Song select │ common
Tun: Tune request ───┘
Clk: MIDI clock ───┐
Str: Start │
Cnt: Continue │ System
Stp: Stop │ real-time
Act: Active sensing │
Res: System Reset ───┘
Overall filtering of real-time data is controlled using the F7 function
key. If RealTime:Block is selected, no real-time data is passed. For
RealTime:Pass, only those messages above specifically enabled are passed.
All filtering and modifications are applied BEFORE data is displayed on the
monitor screen and saved in the buffer. Also, the data displayed is what is
output when MIDI thru is enabled. Note that data received while on the
programming screen continues to be stored in the buffer.
│ Sending MIDI data │
Up to 10 keys may be assigned specific MIDI send functions. The bottom
section of the screen allows the keys Alt-1 thru Alt-9, and Alt-0 (see note)
to be defined as arbitrary MIDI data. When one of these keys is pressed,
the associated data is sent. Each key may be defined as a short string of
hexadecimal digits or the name of a MIDI data file. If a sequence is
entered directly, it may be a continuous string of 2-digit hex numbers with
no separators, or 1- or 2-digit hex numbers separated by spaces or commas.
Messages up to 13 bytes may be entered this way. For longer messages, a
string may be continued into the next key's definition by entering a plus
(+) as the last item in the string. Up to 9 continuations are possible, for
a total possible message length of 120 bytes.
If the first character in the string is "@", a file name is expected to
follow. When the key is pressed, the named file will be sent. The file may
be a standard MIDI format file, or may be a binary data file containing a
sequence of MIDI bytes. Continuation does not apply in this case. If just
the "@" character is entered, or the file name includes a wildcard character
(* or ?), a list of files from which to choose is displayed. Move to the
desired file and press return (or click if using a mouse). The selected
file name will be entered in the send key definition cell. The same rules
used by DOS for file matching apply.
MIDI sequences defined here may be sent from either the Programming or
Monitor screen. Press Alt and a digit to send the defined sequence. If
using a mouse, click on one of the 10 digits at the bottom of the Monitor
Note: The Alt-0 key has slightly different usage from the rest of the send
keys. As a shortcut to avoid the need to switch to the programming
screen to define it, the program will prompt for its contents
(displaying the last entered string). That string may be modified
or sent as is by pressing return. To cancel the send, press escape
to blank the string and press return.
│ Delays │
Send delays may be specified using the "SysEx wait" and "Bytes/sec" values.
These may be necessary to allow certain MIDI devices to properly accept bulk
data transmissions. SysEx wait specifies the amount of time in milliseconds
to wait before sending any sysex message. A delay of up to 9999 (10 sec.)
can be entered. The overall transmission rate can be specified by setting
the Bytes/sec value, thus reducing the standard MIDI transmission rate of
3125 bytes per second.
Delays as applied to the transmission of standard MIDI files are slightly
altered due to the real-time nature of the files. The basic transmission
rate only applies to system exclusive data. The system exclusive wait is
not applied to the special "running" or "sub-message" sysex events which
should already have built-in transmission times.
│ Saving the configuration │
All filter selections, key definitions, and the overall status (thru,
real-time, hex/dec) are saved when the program ends. They are restored the
next time the program is run. The original channel status may be reset
using the Reset Channels function. This also resets the system message
filtering to allow all messages. The Reset Keys function will blank all the
send key definitions. Settings are saved in the file "WATCH.STP". This
file should not be altered, or results may be unpredictable.
│ Mouse usage │
When a Microsoft-compatible mouse is available and the mouse driver software
properly loaded, operations using the mouse will be enabled. The mouse may
be used to select an input cell on the screen by positioning the small mouse
cursor on the cell and single clicking either button. The cell will be
highlighted, just as if the cell had been selected using the arrow keys.
Any cell which can be changed using the F10/F9 keys to increment/decrement,
may be changed in a similar manner using the mouse. Once a cell is selected
by clicking on it, subsequent clicking of the left button will decrement the
cell value, and clicking of the right button will increment it.
In mouse mode, the function key designations normally displayed at the
bottom of the screen are changed to selector blocks for each available
function. Clicking on a block will perform the indicated function. All
functions may still be invoked via the normal keyboard equivalents.
If mouse operations are not desired, add the -k option on the command line
when the program is run to force keyboard mode.